Saturday, May 15, 2010

Welcome to my space!

I am just twenteen, Desi and fascinated by the pure, healing powers of all things natural. I've always spent time reading up on herbal ingredients and then tried various types of mixes on my skin too. I love experimenting and seeing what works well on my skin and what doesn't.

I don't enjoy slopping on chemically loaded creams, face washes, moisturizers etc and I'm always looking for simpler, effective and natural alternatives to keep my skin radiant.

So this blog came about simply to demystify the fact that something as simple as hydrating your skin, doesn't always require a lab in Switzerland to provide you with wholesome moisturizers - nature has it's own secrets! The recipes mentioned here are ones that I really believe will work and most have been tried and tested by myself (or a family member), some time or the other.

Along with the mixes, I've also specified what I like about an ingredient or so and how it's worked (or not worked) for me -unlike websites that list a hundred remedies where many (as I've learnt after trying out myself) are simply ineffective or just plain impossible to apply in the first place!

So here I am, looking to share, discuss, learn new things and get pretty in the process too :) There's lot more to come, so do keep visiting or simply subscribe to my blog and feel free to drop in comments, suggestions and how any such home made recipes have worked for you. I'd love to hear 'em all!

Have a beautiful day ahead!

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